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The Uncomfortable Race Conversation - Introduction: We are all racists. Discuss.

Updated: Sep 17, 2020


Uh, yeah. So hi, what’s up to that person in the back who actually reads my stuff. Stay cool, man. I just wanted to preface this endeavor with a little warning.


I’m entering largely uncharted territory here and it’s pretty risky. Honestly, I am not 100% confident that it’s a great idea. But if you know me, you know that 75% of my life experience is made up of bad decisions. So, this is actually pretty much on-brand for me. Let us begin…

If you’re a racist, start here. … Quit lying. Yes, you are. You can say it. This is a safe space. … Oh, fine… If you are still reading this, just start here. (Is that better?)

I am far from perfect, and I am the first to admit that my own re-education began only a couple of years ago. I know that I still catch myself in behaviors that could be considered racially insensitive. I am conflicted and confused about a ton of things daily. I often struggle to see events from the perspectives of people of color.

And that is okay. What matters is that I recognize there are other perspectives and I want to know them.

But I want others to know them too.

So, this is only the beginning of a much larger, ongoing conversation about race. Each piece in this series will cover my experiences as I navigate the painfully awkward and uncomfortable road to learning what it means to be Black in America. I will try really hard to overcome my white fragility and tackle all topics, even the most difficult ones. I am going to ask questions everyone wants to ask and probably cover some stuff you never knew you wanted to know.

You should know that I am an avid researcher. This is sometimes a detriment because it often means occasionally it takes me a loooonnng time to produce content or join a conversation. Maybe I’m way too uptight or I just need to drink more. Either way, I just don’t like to give input or spread information if I am not confident in my knowledge. But my character flaw works in your favor because you’ll know that I am sharing what I’ve learned from credible sources.

So, I hope you all can benefit from my discomfort as I grope my way blindly through unfamiliar territory.


I’m white. Well, I’m actually a non-Black person of color - half white, half Mexican.

But I don’t speak Spanish and my maiden name is Eagle. So, you know – white.

I make no claims of knowing the struggles and experiences of Black men and women in America. I only claim to want to learn and be more aware so I might teach others.

Please forgive me for all of the ways that I will inevitably fuck this up. Also, please be patient with me and, most of all, for the love of God, please tell me when I get shit wrong!

Disclaimer Too:

Sometimes I say cuss words.

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