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Well, hello there

Now let me tell you who I am and why that makes me good at what I do.

(hint: I write about stuff)

If I were to take out an ad in the Personals, it would read:

"I am a fun-loving Aquarius who wants to travel the world (and write in-depth destination features) and share experiences with one very special audience in my life. 

I like the smell of used textbooks, 8 a.m. classes, doing everyone's part in group assignments, long blistering sunlit walks along the concrete paths on campus , the smell of freshly applied backpack-deodorant after those strolls, brand new packages of Scantrons, sleeping two hours a night, over-participating in class discussions, and No. 2 pencils so sharp I could stab the next person who dares ask what I made on Tuesday's test.

If you are looking for someone special to take out to stress eat, call 867-5309".


As the clues would indicate, I just graduated from UT Arlington with a bachelor's degree in Communication.

I was the most mature student in every class. No, I'm not bragging. I was just literally older than all my classmates.

Most importantly, I am a journalist. 

Here's what you should know.

I am an avid writer and storyteller

I love a million things. It's this diverse array interests that makes me a great communicator and basically a ninja when it comes to learning a person's story. Everybody has one and I am interested in them all. 

Here's me in a nutshell.


I feel strongly about:

  • People-Human interaction (positive and negative) cannot be substituted.  The ability to engage with others and build relationships is what puts us at the top of the animal kingdom hierarchy.  The conversations we entertain every day and the choices we make, determine who we are. A chance encounter might be the catalyst we need to propel us to greatness.  Or we could just thank the cashier at Target and go home to drink that bottle of wine alone anyway.  But the possibilities are endless.         

  • Education-I don’t just mean textbooks and test reviews.  I mean learning in general.  All day, every day.  I love when someone teaches me something new.  For instance, today my daughter taught me that I could change the position of the keyboard on my iPhone so I can reach the other side of the huge screen and text one handed.  Mind blown.


I have some quirks:

I watch Star Trek: The Next Generation and Doctor Who. I have a fever (of the Bieber variety).   I love riding the subway in NYC. My Patronus is a Bassett Hound. 

 I am an over-the-top gamer player. I basically love type of game ever made - board games, video games, phone apps, guessing games, carnival games, the Quiet Game, Hunger Games, gamey meat - you name it . Except Monopoly.  Monopoly doesn’t count.  It is an instrument of cerebral warfare, not an enjoyable pastime.  I embarrass my kids using my mad gangsta rap and hip hop dance skills. I am a binger - TV series, documentaries, podcasts, Beats 1 playlists, movies...  On occasion I've been known to consume oatmeal cream pies  and Cheez-its in excess. Actually, this may be a problem...

I am obsessed with medieval history, grisly true crime stories and serial killers.

I love love love to nap. Actually I should have led with this one.…napping is my favorite.


You already know my name.


I also look like this.

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